Resourceful thieves and cyber criminals continue to find new ways to hack U.S. consumers’ sensitive personal information. Dumpster diving, stolen or lost wallets and mail fraud should still be concerns, but the digital age of tablets, smartphones, PCs and Wi-Fi networks leaves people even more vulnerable than ever. Think about it: Have you ever stored credit card information on your phone for added convenience to make payments in a checkout lane? Do you ever store passwords in apps to transfer funds between accounts? And what’s to keep hackers from accessing a wireless network you check your email on while you’re grabbing a quick cup of coffee? Said Jane Li, Mercury Insurance’s director of product management, More than 15.4 million people a year will experience identity theft, with an average loss of more than $1,000 "When one access point closes due to added levels of security, cyber attackers find another. Insurance companies like Mercury provide services that allow
June 26, 2022
5 Tips To Protect Your Connected Devices And Electronic Identity
Resourceful thieves and cyber criminals continue to find new ways to hack U.S. consumers’ sensitive personal information. Dumpster diving, stolen or lost wallets and mail fraud should still be concerns, but the digital age of tablets, smartphones, PCs and Wi-Fi networks leaves people even more vulnerable than ever. Think about it: Have you ever stored credit card information on your phone for added convenience to make payments in a checkout lane? Do you ever store passwords in apps to transfer funds between accounts? And what’s to keep hackers from accessing a wireless network you check your email on while you’re grabbing a quick cup of coffee? Said Jane Li, Mercury Insurance’s director of product management, More than 15.4 million people a year will experience identity theft, with an average loss of more than $1,000 "When one access point closes due to added levels of security, cyber attackers find another. Insurance companies like Mercury provide services that allow
Blog authors
Arga Fairuz
Web Developer & Blogger
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